I shoot regularly with a guy who uses a stabilizer and a rest on a metal ILF riser bow. We regularly place #1 or #2 in the division we shoot in (old farts division, recurve). Sometimes we both shoot in the same division; sometimes the trad division won't allow stabilizers and rests, and he shoots in an open division, but of course we always compare scores. Sometimes he will beat me, sometimes I will beat him. I'm sure the stabilizer and rest give him some advantage, but we are evidently close enough that it is still a toss-up. I wouldn't change anything, because it always tickles me that I can beat him without using a stabilizer and rest, and for me, that is worth whatever advantage he might have. I've never asked him if he feels guilty when he beats me; that's his business, I guess.
I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. It's not a huge advantage, and the feeling you get when you beat someone who has superior equipment is priceless.