I've killed over a dozen turkeys under 10yds out of my 350's and a few under 5yds. Kiiled them with bows clear up to 70" Hill's and regularly shoot 66-68" out of them and never had a problem.
Still don't understand people when they say they can't shoot a turkey out of them, it's got to be the chairs there using and obviously they haven't practiced out of there blinds on turkey sized targets before trying to or there setting the blinds facing up hill witch raises the windows
As far as bad blinds, we have been using them for 10 years now. I've wore out 3 because of ice and rain storms or pack rats and mice. Still have 5 and have never had a hub break, a
pole break or pull out. There's a system to setting any blind up, I've seen many a hunter trash a blind from setting them up or taking them down in correctly. These are huge blinds with longer poles, more stress on everything but like I said never broke a one yet. Great blinds for $99 IMHO