Originally posted by Cwilder: It's all about limb pad angles
Originally posted by wingnut: I guess if you want simple, go with bolt-down technology. ILF comes with some math involved.It's pretty easy if your a 25" riser shooter where most of the products are produced. But even there the riser will differ a few pounds with the same limbs.In the short riser arena it's a bit of a crap shoot. Most bowyers can tell you that if you put a limb rated at 25" on there riser then it will gain X pounds. It gets further complicated when you build limbs for your own riser.We try to stay pretty standard with our ILF risers and limbs. It becomes problematic when people buy used and instead of talking to the riser manufacture they listen to keyboard experts on the internet.I do know that ours and Bob Morrison's risers have about the same effect on limb poundage and that we both modify the riser configuration to maintain limb poundage. Our only exception is the 13" that gains a couple of extra pounds.MikeMike