I am also uncomfortable with heights but I forced myself to deal with it. The terrain has a lot to do with the height that I set my stand. The land I hunt has a lot of hills and all the good hunting spots are in draws so my stands tend to be 15’ to 20’ high. The stand that I like the best is at 28’! This stand allows me to watch almost the whole back part of a30 acre CRP field. When the deer come into my shooting lane they are about 20’ below me. That is because the terrain drops off. Here are some things that I have done to help me gain confidence in my equipment and help set my mind at ease.
1. Use a safety line with a prussic knot on it as soon as you leave the ground.
2. Test your safety restraint at a lower level to prove to yourself that it works.
3. Use a load binder on your chain on stands and wire the handle in the closed position.
4. Remove the cheap little seat on your chain-on and use the Summit Trophy Tree Seat and attach it to the tree with a ratcheted cargo restraint. I don’t find the little seats that come with most treestands to be comfortable. This seat has armrest on it and I find that to be a plus.
5. When you are shooting from the stand brace you knee against the seat or the tree. This is a mental thing for me I think. As long as I am touching something solid with my leg I feel secure and steady.
6. Get a setup for your yard if you can and practice shooting from elevated heights.
7. I posted on this link;f=1;t=051974 the way I hold my bow. It needs to be refined a little but the setup works for me. It is under the 4th page and the topic is titled hanging bow.
I agree with the guys on here about keeping you stand low if you can get away with it and especially if you never become comfortable in high spots. I think the main thing that has made me get comfortable in these situations is simply spending time in the stand and shooting from it. I have found that when a deer comes in I don’t even think about the height. All of my attention is on the target and I go into automatic mode.
I hope this helps and good luck.