Bagged an 8 pt today with my 66 inch 57# 7 Lakes longbow, a 3 Rivers prefinished cedar with a WW on the business end.
I saw 6 or more bucks chasing doe and not getting any interest out of them,(reminds me of High School)and had 3 deer go directly under my stand and brush the tree I was in and then exit straight away and not give me a shot. Later a big boy did the same and at 15 yards on the far side I whistled softly. He stopped and turned to see what was making the noise.Big mistake.
I shot out of a treesuit and this is the first deer I have killed out of it and that makes me smile cause I like it.
Guys when I checked in at the local gun store where they tagged deer they went ape sh-t when they found out I got it with a longbow. I got some real big smiles and congradulations. That was nice to see that they appreciate the extra effort we put in.