Gather the fruit into a five gallon bucket. Fill the bucket about half was with fruit then cover with water. The bucket will be about 3/4 full.
Store the bucket in a cool place making sure that the water level stays to the point that the fruit is covered.
Come spring take your bucket to an area when you want or can st least start seed. You will need something large enough to mash the seed.(I used an aluminum ball bat)
Once you have successfully made a slurry of the fruit dig a line in the dirt. I used the corner of a hoe to make my planting site.)
Pour the slurry down the row then cover with dirt and slightly damp down. Water the area pretty good and you're done.
What you've done is start a fence line that was used in our country for years. Just let it grow until it's "head high and hog tight"
This will start several hundred seedlings and you can dig and transplant where you would like to grow a tree.
Be sure to dispose of all seedlings that you won't be using. IMHO
This is easy but if you have questions I'm happy to attempt an answer.
God bless,Mudd