Also, I have been experimenting with string types, trying all the usual high end materials. BCYx, 8125...etc.
I hit on a recipe that makes mine super quiet. 3 bundle string made of 15 strands of 452-X, loops padded to 21, .030 halo serving. It almost doesn't need silencers. Note - use light weight silencers like wooly whispers or just part of the other heavier wool
silencers. The Kanati has such a nice shot feel you don't want to add any thump with heavy weight wool balls. Silencers go at 12" down from the top and 13" up from the bottom.
Brace height is best at 7 1/4". I don't gain anything by going to the recommended 7 1/2" brace.
At 7 1/4" there is no string slap on the limbs and the sting does not hit my arm.