Well, as some of you know, I posted last week I took my first traditional whitetail November 1, 2007. It took me three years. Everyone voices the first is the hardest, but I didn't know the second would come so quick.
Wasn't even supposed to go hunting today, as I needed to meet a friend in town this evening. After talking with him, he voiced it would help him out to meet in the a.m. I gladly responded that was fine, as I had finished up my work, and would go hunting.
Roughly 1 hour later, I had a small 8, a button buck, and smaller doe, and the doe I shot at 15-20 steps from the tree I was in. Didn't think I'd be able to get past all the eyes, with the draw, but I did. Arrow didn't exit, but poked through both sides. She bolted and made a big J along the edge of the field and into the woods, and them continued to take down all the surrounding forest, trees, and bushes for 5- 10 seconds. All was still, and the button buck continued to look around trying to figure out what happened. He finally slipped off, And I climbed down in the climber.
Went to get the truck to load her up, and arrived back at dark. Wasn't able to find my arrow, but I'll look tomorrow.
Got to thinking about who went on the hunt with me, Mike Bolin as I was using a Lone Wolf climber I got from him; warden415 as I was using a Boa Quiver I got from him; Scott S. as I was using some WW from him; Bill Carlsen as I got the fletcher I used to fletch the arrows; Bob Morrison as he made me the bow; and so many more with past advice, support, and encouragement.
Thanks for being with me. God Bless, David B.