Well, I was pretty set in my ways about a 200 grain broadhead, this n that, yadayadayada......until tonight.
I went downstairs and didn't like the way the wool silencers looked on my string - too big for my taste. I figured I'd cut them off, wax the string, and see what effect it had on my "spine".
I start shooting and now everything, I mean everything (even 3555's with 250 grain points) is heavy tail left. I put on some string leeches quick to see what effect it had and it got a littel better, but not much.
I can't believe the degree to which silencers affected my bare shaft arrow flight. I now need to order the silencers I think I want and set up everything just so before choosing a shaft/head combo.
I always knew I was supposed to tune after all else was set, but the change has me very surprised.