Form in traditional archery is a personal thing. The most important thing is find your most consistent anchor point and concentrate on doing the exact same thing on every shot. Push the bow toward the target with your bow arm ( sort of like pointing at the target with your index finget), pull slowly back to your anchor while concentrating on the spot you want to hit. When you find your anchor and everything feels right, just try to pull the bow apart. By that I mean steady pressure toward the target with the bow arm and pulling the string arm with your back muscles as you relax your fingers. Keep your head still and follow through. Try to let the big muscle groups do the work as they are stronger and more stable.
As for form, if no one can give you hands on, try a video. You have to find a motion that is easy to replicate. Kind of like swinging a golf club. It's important not to over bow yourself. You're not going to be accurate if you have to jerk the string back and let go because you can't hold the weight. Find a weight that you can control.
I'm just rambling, your best bet is to find someone that has been shooting a while and learn from them. That's the great thing about this sport, people are usually very willing to help someone get started.
Any specific questions just ask