howdy, i know all u guys are probably tired of getting bombarded with questions from new guys like me. but there really isn't anywhere to find knowledge about traditional archery unless u know somebody. so thank all of u for being so generous with your expierence and knowledge.
so now the problem, i shoot a really short draw.i tried using a clicker but really struggled getting it back to 24 inches. not with the wieght so much, just consistency. well it broke, so i started shooting without it. groups are really good at 15 yards and gettin better at 20. but i'm only drawing about 23 inches. thats from valley of knock to the front of bow. or the side farthest away from me while drawing. i'm average height 5'9" and in good shape, draw a 70 pound compound bow with no problem.and shoot the same on light or heavy bows.does anyone else have this problem? i had JD at whiperstik build a bow that was heavy to try and pickup some speed and energy. its 60# at 24 inches. haven't chronoed it but its pretty quick. and i shoot about a 550 grain arrow.does anyone shoot that short of a draw? i'm anchoring in the corner of my mouth and hit where i'm aiming but that seems really short compared to everyone else.any help or input at all would be great.