Here is a good one that some of the old bucks out here in idaho taught me. Its called a flint round. Basically shoot four arrows at six targets. Position one is 17.5 yards, two is at about 6yds, three is at 20 yards, four is at12 yards, five is at 15 yards, six is at 10yards. Then you shoot one arrow at 20,17.5, 15, and 12. For the three closest targets you shoot at a six inch target and for the farther ones you shoot at a 8 inch target. To score the round you get 5 for inside the white and 3 for in the black. I have the targets in a pdf if you would like them send me a pm and I will send. The distances I gave you might be a hair of, they were given to me in feet and I can't find the paper I wrote it on. Also, this may be a modified version of the actual flint round, I couldn't find it on the net but this has helped me to focus on each arrow instead of just flinging them.
Also, I recently made a homemade formaster that has helped considerably.
Good luck
Fellow newbie