Thanks guys... It was a matter of getting back inside as and blind baling... I was frustrated with the fliers.. I think with this light bow(42#),
(I think sometimes let it go vs pull through the shot...) I have trouble with my release as I feel that when I pull through... I sometimes feel as though I pull to my ear...
Well I was doing well then it started to happen my groups began to open... an occaisional flier became 20-30% fliers.... The thing that started it was shooting a group vertical as I felt it was torquing/plucking the string that was throwing my fliers...
Well getting in the garage and lots of arrows later focussing on the whole shot sequence has been a wonderful help...
But I am now playing with 3 under vs split finger... I put on my spare string and put a new nock on... began tuning and settled on 5/8 an inch higher... But boy is it louder... Not just me... the camera on a tripod... inside and out side- I began running the videos simultaneously and having my son watch while I tell him wether I was shooting split finger or 3 under... It will depend on how i shoot out to 20-25 yds that determines which I finally go with... But wonder with which is better?
It will be a matter of accuracy... If I ever get the time and cooperative weather... I'll work on some overhead shots when I can pop a screen out upstairs and have someone video from overhead...
Thanks everyone