I've been around for a while, made a few posts, even scored a nice FireFly bow from Statedriller on the forum just before Christmas (sweet BTW).
Right now I merely want to extend thanks, there are far too many who provided feedback to thank by name cause I'm sure to miss many.
I spent an evening going through most, if not all the form Improvement videos and reading all the feedback provided by the many knowledgable members here. I was inconsistent, lacking real confidence, and uncertain of where to go. Just looking for a place to start.
Going through the videos helped me greatly in understanding just what "proper" form is. Terry Green, I appreciate the way you, and others, freely share your extensive knowledge with the more "rank and file" such as myself.
To summarize, maybe even helping others, what was most useful to me in this process were the following:
1st - Form is EVERYTHING
2nd - Get to full draw and keep pulling. This seems to single-handedly take care of several issues
a) gets the drawing elbow in the proper place
b) gets the shoulders in proper alignment
c) keeps the shot from collapsing at "release"
d) gets the best performance from your equipment
I watched with particular interest Terry Green's impressive video demonstrating extreme cant angles along with a statement somewhere that stance made really no difference and that form was from the waist up.
These were all eye openers for me. It may sound silly but the next day I attempted shooting from those "extreme" canted positions. What I found out was that when doing the inverted cant positions standing parallel and at 180 degrees away from the target that getting to "full" draw and getting the drawing elbow into the proper position almost HAVE to happen to execute the shot.
I finally FELT what it was to come to FULL draw.
Light bulb moment.
More that a few times, at 10 paces, I stacked the arrows. At 20 paces I'd put all shots in the kill on my 3d. Though I'm not real concerned with that as of yet, I know it will come as form tightens up.
Now if I can get my head to stay in position and groove full draw when facing the target I wont have to hunt with my back to the game;-)
Here are a couple videos of the work. I welcome all feedback and am assured the good folks here wont disappoint.
Video 1: Form Extreme cant Best Regards,