Originally posted by Terry Green:
Snap shooing is a style, and not a dissorder,.....HH was a snapper...got post on that too here by Ron LaClair I'll try to find...
You can Snap Shoot incorrectly or hold for 10 days and shoot incorrectly. Doing either incorrectly is the problem.....do both correctly and there is no problem.
.[/b] [/QB]
It sure makes me happy to see this for a change. I'm really tired of all the folks which refer to snap shooting as "target panic". There is a very big difference between premature release and snap shooting.
Premature release involves never having reached anchor to begin with, Snap Shooting is a fluid and fast draw, anchor, and release while maintaining form and sight picture. It is not an uncontrolled shot sequence.
And just for the record I do not believe in "Target Panic", only in uncontrolled shooting. If you control your shot, whether consciously or subconsciously (requiring a lot of proper practice, which I believe blind bail is best), you won't have the issues most refer to as target panic.
Funny how the only shooters I know that have "target panic" are those that believe it exists.
Okay, slam away... I can take it.
But I'll never be convinced it is anything but uncontrolled shooting.