I need some help! A little history may be in order to help understand where I'm coming from.
I have been shooting compounds since I was eight (I'm 33 now). I shot competition and have always hunted as well. Around 7-8 years ago I switched to traditional and since that time I've shot almost no competition and have not hunted much either.
Up until this year with my recurve I shot instictively, but I was not happy with my accuracy or consistency. I decided to try gap shooting, as I felt it might work better with my methodical mindset(think more engineer than artist!).
I dropped bow weight down to 45#, and have been shooting daily to build up my muscles. Up until switching to gap, I had a terrible problem with not hitting my anchor (I was snap shooting horribly!). Well, I love the gap method, and feel much more comfortable with that style. I have no issues hitting my anchor nor holding, but now I'm having problems with 'premature holding'; I lock in beneath my aim point and cannot make the tip of my arrow rise! It doesn't matter if I pull above the aimpoint and swing down, start off aiming at the point, or start low and pull up; I always end up settling in low. I lock in dead steady, and I can get a smooth release (except for the times my bow arm jerks upward trying to compensate for my low hold).
My groups are good typically, but I'm getting frustrated at myself for not hitting where I want! I have been searching through threads here, but most seem to address premature release rather than premature hold. Can any of you offer any suggestions? I'm at the point now to where I'm serious about shooting well, and this is very aggravating to say the least! Everything is going well if I can just break this bad habit! Somebody help me!