I recommend placing less weight on the ring finger. If most of your weight is on the index and middle fingers, the forces on the bow are not that much different than if you were shooting split. Usually when I draw the bow, I'll use the strength of all three fingers working together. Then, when I reach full draw, I'll relax the weight on my ring finger. It would probably be better if I could just draw with a relaxed ring finger rather than adding that extra move, but I don't seem to be able to manage that.
I bare shaft tune and when I draw the way I describe, my nock points aren't that much different from split, usually about 1/2 - 5/8". When I used to shoot with more or less equal weight on all three fingers, my nock points were a lot higher, maybe 3/4 - 7/8". Also, I think my bows are quieter shooting the way I describe.