The chances are, your new longbow is not cut past centershot, whereas your old recurve was. Until you get used to it, this will make you hit left with the longbow. My friends who usually shoot longbows have the opposite problem: they hit right when they switch to a recurve that is cut past center, and so they build out the strike plate with a ghastly stack of leather.
The thing to do is to pick a type of bow that you want to stick with and then shoot it until it comes on target for you. So if you want to stick with the longbow, just put up with it for a while. You can move your POI a little bit to the right by switching to a softer strike plate, but not 6" at 10 yards.
If you're not used to the increased weight, and your bow arm gets tired, this can cause an upward creep. Be conscious of putting your bow arm on target and keep it there. If it begins to drift up, then stop shooting for a while.