I’ve got a good friend, who’s suffered from target panic for years. He told me a while back, “I’M CURED!” Now… anyone who’s had this disease knows how difficult it is to get rid of, especially in a month, like my friend did. So… the obvious question was, “How in the #$%$* did you pull that off?!
He tells me he has a friend who is a very successful competitive pistol shooter. This pistol shooter told him “most” folks have their aiming process all wrong. He said most folks try to aim (concentrate) on the mark while seeing the front and rear sights in their periphery. In my words, “BURN A HOLE.” He went on to say, they “should” concentrate on their sights while seeing the mark in their periphery. Hmmm.
My friend went on to tell me from the time he begins to draw, all he (now) concentrates on is the tip of his arrow and when he comes to anchor he sees the mark in his periphery. After one month he swears, declares and proclaims, “IM CURED!”
I must say I was skeptical. I mean… how do you “cure” this darn stuff in one month? Well… the test would be a pressure situation—wouldn’t it? He goes on a pig hunt and when he got home I made the call. “How did your shooting go?” His reply, “I shot four hogs and hit all of them in the boiler room and one was walking fast at 20 yards. I’M CURED I TELL YOU, I’M CURED!”
What do you think?