Hello All,
I was referred to this group with hopes that y'all might be able to help me with an arrow issue.
My old arrows shot great: Easton powerflights, 500 spine, full length, 145 grain points, 5 inch feathers.
But now I'm trying to shoot a different setup: Easton axis traditional, 400 spine, 125 grain point with a 75 grain inserts, 5 inch feathers.
The issue I am running into is the fact that my arrow wants to nose dive right out of the rest, I tried nocking at a few different locations and stiffening the spine of the arrow by cutting it down to 28" in 1" increments to see if it would work, but I'm still getting tail high through paper. Any advice would be appreciated.
Bear Montana Longbow @ 55lbs and 27" draw
3 fingers under