I'm not sure how to adjust for your elevation...I've only canned at my 750ft! But, here's how I do meat and fish...
1 lb of chunked meat (deer, hog or cow)
teaspoon of salt
teaspoon of ground peppercorns
Chopped garlic...a lot. I love garlic, but you can use however much you want.
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and make sure all the peices of meat are well coated with the spices.
Fill the canning jar up to real close to the top. I think I can my meat at 10psi for an hour and twenty minutes.
For fish, I just throw in some salt and some vinegar and throw it in the cooker for 90 minutes at 10psi. I did some trout like this about 3 years ago and it still tastes GREAT!
I'd get yourself the "Ball Blue Book" Its THE book on canning. Lots of recipies for meats, too.
Good Luck!