I'll tell you how I can 'em
First wash the peppers, then pack your jar (firmly stuf the peppers in the jar.) If they are large peppers such as the marriachi peppers I grow slice into quarters length ways. Once the jar is packed cube a couple cloves of fresh garlic and drop it along with eight to ten fresh onion rings on top of your peppers. Then I pour in a table spoon of brown sugar and a half t spoon of salt. Then I fill with HOT brine (1/3 part water, 1/3 part white vinager, and 1/3 part apple cider vinager). Then place the lid on the jar (lid should be prepared for canning see instructions on package) and screw down the ring and let set untill the lid seals. Let them set four at least a couple of months, three or four would be better, and ... Well if you don't eat them I will.
This is recipe is for a quart jar. To can in pints use only fout or five onion rings and one clove of garlic.