yeah that's right Troy....shaft is 28.5"
....I was giving the 'total' arrow length...with the grizzly attached...the modified grizzly has a cut length of 3.250"
Ed has the notes saved that way (as well as the lowdown on each component)
and I was just peeking through them
sorry if I confused all again...
.......if I was a real proper brat I could have said...shaft + cut length + 'x'; with feather type, bow poundage etc .... but he might smack me if I go pulling out ALL his
now....if they're wanting a truly great photo of what your shafts can do...I'll get the picture of my 'trophy' back in a few days.
was talking through the stalk with Ed before he left as neither could believe I missed such a shot (well, HE could but he gets unreasonable joy out of watching me learn)
stalk was great, only 15 metres to the goat...chose the 'spot', ....then....took note of that small log just in front (not a problem says I)...back to the spot ....
....oh, the goat knows I'm I look him in the eye, note the log again and release...
yep...dead the log!!!
ah well....more lessons learned.
did cut the log to bring my trophy home though - shaft and broadhead are fine - log (a 2 1/2" hardwood - obviously feral)is dead and soon to be mounted on my wall.
Last I saw goat and family were all well....but 'I'll be back'....