I am new to this web page and do not want to step out of bounds here but if you dont mind a carbon arrow The PSE Black Mamba is a realy nice Hevy arrow they have a 23 gr SS incert and have a 10 gr SS coller the waigh in at 10.5 GPI and come with waight tubes too, I have some cut to 27.5" and with the wait tubes in them and a 125gr tip they are 720gr If you made them 31" or full legth for a recuve or long bow and used the waight tubes with say a 150gr tip on it you could have a 900-1000gr arrow real easy and you can just about not destroy them...
Never tried them in my recuve but would be half temted to get more and try them ???
If any shows some intrest I would be more than happy to buy more and try them out ???