Thanks for the encouragment for my grandson. I have 5 grandchildren 3 boys ages 9,8 & 4 and 2 girls ages 8 & 2. They ALL shoot trad gear, their grandma and I start them out at about 18 months old. The two oldest boys can shoot and hunt as good and better then some grown men I know.
My 8 year old grandson shot a nice little ram this year with a 30lb Browning Recurve and it just bugs his dad big time because he is also one of those big time compond tourney type shooters. Jacob has 2 nice little compunds but what does he shoot? you got it, his cheap little recurve grandpa got him.
Here is my second oldest grandson with a little 4 horn ram he shot with a 30Lb Browning recurve with ACE 100 grain razor sharp broadheads!