I have made a good many arrows over the years and have tried just about everything I can get my hands on - as long as they were inexpensive. Therefore I have not tried things like maple or hickory as they were always to expensive but would expect them to be tough. For me, I like a heavy arrow so have had the best luck with Ash and Birch.
I don't recall if I have used the laminated birch but have tried the split hex shafts (I believe Whispering Wind uses those now) and had a devil of a time keeping them straight - just wouldn't work for me. The hard woods are a bit tougher to straighten but I found once they are, they stay pretty straight.
For durability, Ash and Birch have performed best for me. I have a couple arrows of birch and ash that I have been shooting for years with judo points and they still have not broke. Cedar arrows, which I won't use any more, broke every time I missed a target. I guess if I was a better shot I would use more Cedar. The Chundoo arrows have done well for me as well, but are quite a bit lighter than Ash and Birch. I believe Chundoo is white pine, or something like that.