I found a K-Mag today at an antique store but don't know exactly what it was or whether I should have tried to haggle some on it. It was rosewood riser, 5 or 6 line strike plate, green glass, green & white grip overlays, flat pewter coin, no bushing and 47# AMO 52".
The tips were green & white overlays and fairly "pointy".
It was strung but had a long string on it so the brace height was only about 5" or so, it had a little twist on the lower limb but otherwise there wasn't a mark on it anywhere that I could find. I didn't think to write the serial # down but it was priced at $240.00, if it had not been for the limb twist I would probably have tried to negotiate a little on it but as it was I passed.
Can you guys tell me what year and should I go back or wait for a better deal to come along?