Bjorn -
Yes, right away, I noticed the silk screen and the decal both. When a bow is refinished, you just never know the reasoning for the decals/silk screens that are on it. If you go back a few years, none were available until Al started making them again. It is entirely possible that at the time the factory changed from decals to silk screens, that some bows had a combination of both... Anything is possible...
Even the serial numbers on a few refinished bows are not the original serial numbers.
The serial number on this bow, Y666, is not a serial number sequence I have ever seen on a 1955 or 1956 Kodiak Special.
The earliest I have seen Y used on a Kodiak Special is 1957... but the Y bows I've seen have a second letter, but Y666 has only one letter.
Perhaps, Rich can enlighten us.