59K prices seem to be all over the map lately. No rhyme nor reason as to what they will bring on the big auction site or anywhere else for that matter. The wild variances in vintage bow selling prices lately on the big auction are probably due to tax refund availability or folks recovering from cabin fever.
59K and 60K prices are still dependent on what any particular person is willing to pay for a particular bow. Lower poundage 59s in good shape will bring somewhat lower prices or not sell at all compared to a higher poundage 59K that needs extensive work that sells for serious coin. It doesn't make any sense to me, but the market will always be a bit fickle.
All I know is that there has been some serious cash paid for vintage bows lately.......while there are nice bows available that don't bring squat or don't sell at all.
You never know what will happen in the vintage bow market......even in this economy. The "collectors" among us are a fickle group....but every now and then, a bow screams at us and we end up dusting off that cookie jar to raid the stash.