Generally I don't touch delaminations like this. In this case it is more than just a glue failure - the core wood is broken all the way through one layer. I know I have read about people who have glued limbs like this back together, but I have just always felt that repairing a serious delamination like this are not worth the risk.
I've never attempted one. Might it hold together if it were reglued? Based on things I have read, maybe it would. I don't really know. But you can bet it would be in the back of my mind every time I drew it.
Plus, putting the time and effort into a repair is just investing more in a bow that has a dubious future. I'm limited on how many bows I can do each year. I guess I figure I'm better off spending my time doing a customers bow so that I can make more money so that I can jump on the next big deal I can't walk away from!