The Snuffers that we (the family) made starting in about 1970 were all the larger heads - 160-165 without adaptors - the business was sold to Delta Industries in about 1990. He geared up to make first 125 gr heads and then other sizes as well as the original larger heads. He also made some 2 blade heads using the Snuffer ferrule and Snuffer blades. He sold the business to Magnus - must have been around 2000 - and Magnus also made several sizes. The only colors would have been black and a few green ones perhaps in the Delta days. Anything else - generally overshot with a primer spray paint - gray,white,red,yellow,brown etc - are factory seconds. We used to sell these for $1 each back in the day. The older heads (pre-Delta) may have had one of 3 type tip inserts (before being ground) and either rounded or squared back vents - one could rough age older Snuffers this way.
I'd say your heads packaged as Martin are most likely Delta vintage. We certainly never made smaller heads OR repackaged, and I doubt Magnus repackaged.