I have both. Personally, I prefer the Cheyenne recurve to the Shawnee recurve: I think it's the deflexed riser but I just shoot it better. I have the limbs prior to the foam cores on my Cheyennes and they are buttery smooth, smokin fast, very stable in every regard. In short, I think the Cheyenne is the perfect recurve.
Bob's new foam core limbs should only solidify it's place at the top of my list. I have not shot the recurve limbs with foam, but Bob says they do everything the boo core limbs do better/more. Looking forward to mine in a few weeks.
The Shawnee with his new foam/carbon Dakota limbs may be the best takedown longbow there is, in my opinion. I have been shooting mine for a few weeks now and my Cheyennes have hung on the rack...that's the first time since I've owned them that's happened. While I'm not quite as accurate with the Shawnee, I'm sure with enough time I could be. And the new Dakota limbs surpass the previous generation recurve limbs' performance...something I didn't think possible.
For me, Recurve=Cheyenne, Longbow=Shawnee/Dakota
Call Bob and discuss it with him, you won't find a better guy to deal with.