I spent 9 years working non profits serving inner city folks. There are some very heart wrenching situations that even the best programs can't fix...and there are others, like in all walks of life, where people have made the "help for others" a way of life or "getover kit" as they're known on the street.
BTW, thanks for those very kind words. I doubt I "deserve" anything, but Lord's not witheld blessings in spite of that!
Had 2nd interview. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful support. I left there today feeling that if the nod comes my way, it HAS to be only by the Grace of God. Just couldn't "connect" with the two gents with whom I interviewed this time. Felt like I was on the ropes the whole time... not a bad interview..just didn't feel the connection.
Lord knows what I can't possibly see or understand, so while on the surface, the job looks good, if it doesn't come to be, I'll reach deep to accept that its His will... and that the Lord has something "down the road" for me.