Father God, I thank you and praise you for the many blessings you provide for me DAILY!!!!
I understand that I have a brother that needs to be comforted and shown direction in his life for some decisions that have been made and or maybe need to be made yet, I thank you, Father, that you have not given us a spirit of fear, I thank you that you have not left us alone to face this world, that you tell us in Heb 13:5 that you will never leave us nor forsake us, and God, I believe that today. I just ask that you allow my friend to grasp the peace that passes all understanding, and give him the gift of discernment as he seeks your will and purpose for these decisons, and above all else, allow me, and all of us for that matter, to NEVER forget the blood shed on Calvary, and the redeemimg work done on that cross by the one and only true God and creator of the Heavens and earth.
in the Mighty Name of Christ I stand aside and give you praise honor and Glory that truly belong to you,