My wife thought a few knives would fit the bill for Christmas gifts for her Dad, brother and brother-in-law. I ordered the blades last Monday and received them on Thursday. Thanks Mike! I started on the handles Friday evening and finished glueing them all up at 1:00 a.m. Saturday. That gave me all day Saturday to shape them and Sunday to spray the finish on.
I actually made this first one earlier for a friend but decided to give it to her Dad.
Ebony and sheephorn. Brass and black phenolic spacers. Helle odell blade.
This one is going to her brother-in-law. Ebony and cocobolo,brass and black phenolic spacers. Helle odell blade.
The third one goes to her brother. He has a big hand so I thought the antler would fit him well.
Antler with olivewood and ebony, brass and black phenolic spacers.
This last one is my favorite. It goes to my daughters boyfriends father who is a pastor and accepted a call to New Life church in Colorado Springs recently. (Yes, the church that endured the tragic shootings!) I wanted to give him a going away gift but I didn't get it to him in time so it is now a Christmas gift. I originally made the ebony/sheephorn for him but I decided to try this olivewood(from Frank)and sheephorn. I like the olivewood so much I decided he was the perfect canidate for it. Olivewood is from the holy land and bighorn sheep are native to Colorado. A perfect fit! I was afraid the light wood and horn would look washed out, but this is the prettiest blond colored knife I have ever seen. The grain in the olivewood is stunning.
Thanks for looking and Mery Christmas!