I kept putting this off cause there were rumors he was coming home Monday, and it is posted as an "update" on Pow Wow...but I think it's time we all pulled the carpet up and bent a knee.
Bernie Dunn, our own cheerleading, ever-present, Garden Gnome, Mini-Grunt ended up in the Hospital this past weekend with an infection in his kidney (I think)...they thought he'd get home next day, but then the docs wanted to be sure so the latest report on Pow Wow is that he's doing better, resting nicely, but that he won't be home right quick.
Let's bend one for our great li'l retired Marine who is always there to prod up a good thread and has been such a driving force on St. Jude's Auction and TGMM for YEARS!
Prayers up, Marine! Git er done!
keep the Son in your eyes, my friend!