Hey Gang,
I went out hunting yesterday on public land and had a great experience. I started walking at about 1 P.M. carrying my treestand on my back for the two mile hike into the woods. I got about a mile in and I spook up a deer to the west of the trail. I couldn't see what it was, but I sat there for a minute figuring there would probably be more where that one came from. I take a few more steps and another deer pops up about 60-70 yards away and starts hopping off. I look closer as it's fleeing and see antlers on it's head. It turns facing straight away and I see the antlers in their full width...they're huge!!!! Big thick beams and an inch or so wider then the ears on each side. I didn't have time to count points, he was running too fast. Yeehaaa! Now, the big question is how do I get a poke at him with 2 weeks left in the late season? We can bait here in WI and I was thinking I'd try that approach about a half mile away or so where I could find a pine to put my stand in(cover is sparse). I figure I pushed him off his bed so he wouldn't be back there for a while. What do you guys think? How would you approach this situation with only 2 weeks left in the season? I'm freaking pumped!!! Matt