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Author Topic: So my brother just bought a trip...  (Read 1866 times)

Offline CheeseHead

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So my brother just bought a trip...
« on: November 11, 2007, 12:14:00 AM »
At the Whitetails Unlimited banquet tonight my brother placed the minimum bid of $260 and won the following...

African Days, Namibia (  )
3 days and 4 nights for 2 hunter and 2 observers
PH, meals, staff, vehicle and permit included
$1000 credit per hunter towards animals taken
10% discount on taxidermy work.
Claimed value = $7,410

1.) Anyone heard of these guys?
2.) Besides trophy fees and airfare, what other costs are we missing?
3.) Any general, overall wisdom/thoughts you can impart would be appreciated.

Neither of us have ever been to Africa and would like to hear any advise you might have.  If this turns out to be nothing more than a $260 donation to WTU, no big deal...good cause.

Offline tradtusker

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Re: So my brother just bought a trip...
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2007, 03:24:00 PM »
cool sounds like you could get a great trip. iv not heard of the outfitters but i would'nt pass on a chance to go to africa!

check them out and go for it!
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Andy Ivy

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Re: So my brother just bought a trip...
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2007, 06:59:00 PM »
There are alot of places turning to bowhunting as the gun laws get more dificult in Africa. I'm sure he will have a great hunt.

Offline hunt it

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Re: So my brother just bought a trip...
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2007, 12:52:00 PM »

All totaled I have spent over two months hunting all over Africa.
I have looked over all info provided. First off, these donation hunts can be a real good deal but you must understand the whole picture. These folks have made this donation for several reasons, one being someone with Whitetails Unlmtd knows them and sends them clients or two they are seeking new clients and last they are new and need new clients.

In looking over the hunting outfits I made these observations: No trophy shots of anyone with bows, trophy fees are high, daily rate is high.

You can not expect that the three days hunting will get you anywhere. I would recommend a minimum of 10 - 12 days to give yourselves a good hunting opportunity.

These folks are banking on you staying longer and shooting much more than $1,000.00 worth. If you intend to only increase the days and dollars by a minimum amount they will be less than happy and this will impact your outcome in many ways.

I think if you do some good research you will find that you could perhaps go to one of the more popular operations that caters for trad hunters at a very close or similar cost. Perhaps 7 days at a first class spot is bettter than 10 or 12 days at a not so good a spot.

Your airfare and trophy shipping costs are going to be a big chunk out of budget. I would do alot of research before jumping into this one.
hunt it

Offline TradAlaska

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Re: So my brother just bought a trip...
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2007, 05:34:00 PM »
I heartily endorse what Hunt It has said and his recommendations.  They are very close to my thoughts and he has saved me the chore of typing it all up.

Offline CheeseHead

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Re: So my brother just bought a trip...
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2007, 12:20:00 AM »
Thanks for the feedback buys.  Yeah, the only bow shot I saw was a giraffe.  Don't remember if it was on the brochure or the website.  I assumed that 3 days was really too short and a guy would end up buying extra days.  Shoot, a big hunk of the budget is just getting there and getting stuff back, so why not stay an extra day or 2 or 3 or 4.  :)

For a first trip to Africa, do you guys have a recommendation on where to go and who to book through?


Offline TradAlaska

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Re: So my brother just bought a trip...
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2007, 12:58:00 AM »
Bowhunting Safari Consultants (BSC).  I have hunted both Tshepe and Melorani in RSA, booking with BSC.  Highest recommendations for the outfits and BSC.  Call or go online and have BSC send you a catalogue.

Offline BUFF

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Re: So my brother just bought a trip...
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2007, 09:09:00 AM »
Contact Dena with the Texas bowhunter association.
They have a donated hunt from Dries Visser. I hunted with dries last year and had a great hunt.
I under stand they will be selling it at a very discounted price.

[email protected]

Offline Limbhanger

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Re: So my brother just bought a trip...
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2007, 06:46:00 PM »
I second TradAlaska's suggestion, BSC is fantastic w/no detail overlooked.  I went in July to Melorani and I couldn't have been any more pleased w/BSC and Melorani.  BSC will walk you through every step from airfare to clothing recommendations and everything between.  Best of luck w/your adventure!

Offline stickandstring

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Re: So my brother just bought a trip...
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2007, 06:15:00 AM »
Don't expect too much and you will probably be plesantly suprised. Africa is everything and then some.
Let it fly ->>------>

Offline tradtusker

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Re: So my brother just bought a trip...
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2007, 02:03:00 PM »
i agree with what David "hunt it" said, good advise.
There is more to the Hunt.. then the Horns

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Andy Ivy

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Re: So my brother just bought a trip...
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2007, 06:56:00 PM »
Don't underestimate the cost of getting things home. I am having seven animals prepped (dipping, cleaning, crating) and shipped. I have so far paid $950 for this. The export agent and shipping from SA was $650 and the receiving agent, inspectios and shipping here in the states will be another $500-600. It adds up fast!I am looking forward to seeing them soon. If you add in any taxidermy it won't take long to run it up a bunch more. The experience is great, just gather all the info you can to avoid surprises. Have fun.

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