The problem is that once you have flown all the way there and paying day fees you cant be being picky on what tropys because of the Taxidermy fees. As we all now, we just whack what ever walks out, worry about taxidermy later,
Now iv got 4 big skulls small horns
,( Eland has a big head
) 4 shields, and flat skins.
I ordered shields as i now if i don't those skulls will sit in a box for 10 years waiting for me to make shields.
When I saw the bill and shipping, and first thought was Holy C**p those things are staying there. Then when I told my brother, mother sisters ect about it they all told me the same thing. In 30 years time when i have my big Red wooden house in Sweden. Ill regret not paying money now, to have some cool tropys up on my wall for the rest of my days.
So just going to have to bite the bullet. Yer its annoying but you only earn money so you can spend it:)
And lets face it, its not stooping my planning on putting another trip together. For bigger tropys, Kudo next time,
PS im really excited for the mounts, just supper stressed that they give me the right once, they get me the wrong skulls, im going to be on a war path