I went to SA three years ago. TH ehunting is fantastic, the food is great. If you are used to sleeping in a tent, eating Ramen and charcoal hot dogs this will definitely be a shock to you. Pampered is an understatement. It is awesome. In regards to trophies, I killed several animals, had them mounted there and shipped to me. The problem turned out to be the exchange rate dropped in the year between me hunting there and the mounts being paid for and shipped. Cost me and extra $1100.00. Plus shipping stuff back, everyone you can think of is involved and guess what, they all want money. I would suggest only shipping back stuff you REALLY want to hang in your house like kudu or gemsbok 'cuz it's going to cost you. The other stuff take lots of pictures. Your PH should be experienced at taking good photos so you will have great pics you can blow up and enjoy. It really does make it more enjoyable when you don't have to worry about added costs especially if it will be a strain.