Forest hunter...don't feel too bad about difficulty with shooting when over there! The first time I went over there...I had the same problem. The shots were easy...but I kept having problems. For me...I really think alot of it was thinking about how this may be the shot of a lifetime...and thinking about how if you draw are paying for that animal..etc. But the second and third time I went, I was over that. I shot at them just like I would if it were a squirell, and did excellent.
Also, getting shots at animals you have never seen in the wild can really mess with your head!
I gotta agree with you though. Vissers is tough to beat. I hunted with them 2 out of the 3 times I went to Africa and will hunt with them again as soon as I can. Gene Wensel is over there hunting Vissers new Namibia place right I cannot wait to hear the reports from him when he gets back.