I don't know about any of this "hi-tech" stuff. I got my hicks from Milt Beens at Wildcat Canyon Archery, now many years ago. We started with very long shafts and cut them down a bit at a time until they shot perfectly from the bow I owned at the time. The same shaft shot completely through two elk, dropping both within sight ... and now, owing to my compulsive stupidity, is lodged high in some tree that a grouse was sitting in, in a weak moment. I found that when they take a set, or bend, you can't straighten them like you can cedar, but need a more precise tool ... but that's easy to fabricate. The ONLY really serious "problem" I've found with hick shafts is that they are damn heavy, forcing most shooters with most medium-weight bows to get 15 rather than 20 yards. Absolutely unnecessary for deer and smaller. Not necessary but, in moi experience, unsurpassed for really big game like elk and moose. Keep us posted, please, on your findings as this progresses. There can be no immutable argument for anything but the heaviest toughest shafts you can shoot for the heaviest toughest game we shoot. But it IS more demanding. --Crazy Dave