My son is almost 12 and has been shooting a 52lb Dwyer longbow. He too is pulling around 24-25 inches now. Last year it was 23" he was drawing. He shoots it better than I can shoot, he beats me most days ! Before that he had a Kodiak Mag that was 49lbs @ 28 and was shooting it when he was 10.
With that all being said, I also agree wholeheartedly with UKarcher above, about not overbowing him too early. Most of us will not admit it, but we are overbowed most of the time ! How big is he and how athletic and strong is he ? Can he hold his current bow 5 seconds without shaking all over the place ? My son is 5 foot tall, 142lbs and very athletic. He can hold his longbow for 5-7 seconds without shaking all over the place. Again as UKacher said above, every inch he grows in draw length will add approx 3 pounds to his draw weight. Check his current anchor point and alignment ? Is he anchoring well and getting his drawing hand and elbow in line ? If not then his current bow may be enough by the time you get him fully drawing, anchoring, and aligning his elbow. JMHO, hope this helps.