I'm sure everyone wants to save a little $$$ on their next bow build.
If so, I've got good news for you and since it's really too late for a Christmas Sale I'll just call it my New Years Sale.
Starting Saturday December 27th, 2014 and running through Saturday January 17th, 2015 I'm going to reduce the price on several of the core material laminations I offer.
Hard Maple (locally known as Brown Maple), Black Walnut, Red Elm and Black Locust Tapers (.100" to .125" in .005" increments) and Parallels (.040" to .070" in .005" increments) will be reduced by 20%. That makes them $8.00 pr.
I'm also offering a new material, Sugarberry.
The bow I'm currently shooting has a Sugarberry core and to me it shoots just as well as any Maple core bow I've had.
This is a limited quantity material and once it's gone I can't say it will be offered again.
Sugarberry Tapers (.100" to .125" in .005" increments) and Parallels (.040" to .070" in .005" increments) will be sold with a 30% discount. That makes them only $7.00pr.
Don't miss these savings!!!
Now it's back to the shop to continue grinding laminations for the sale.