I think the coyote discussion has been covered,but maybe it needs it's own thread? I always carry an arrow in my bowquiver just in case I want to shoot it at something,whatever it might be.It's good practice.
And I've shot a squirrel or two also while in the woods. I also shoot at small things near the spot where I expect a buck to show,when I ready to leave my stand.
I was able to kill an antelope because of this habit. I was in a windmill stand,and real early in the morning a blue grouse walked by at about twenty yards.
I took a shot at it,but my lower bow limb hit the stand just enough to make me miss,i took a couple of feathers off the grouse.
Later,when the antelope were coming,I knew I had to shoot from my knees,and had to be way on the edge of the stand.
A buck came to drink,and I put a snuffer right behind the shoulder,and the arrow hung up in the off shoulder blade. The blade punched through the bone,then stopped.
I still have the shoulder blade and the grouse feather.
If not for the shot at the grouse,I would have missed the buck.It scored 69 something.
That's why I have a what if arrow.