Thanks guys. I really, really appreciate the candid points of view, even when then don't fully agree with one another. It is going to make my final decision more difficult, and possibly more costly!
I carry a nikon 8800 for a hunting pack camera, and love its capabilities of making a good image, yet am sometimes frustrated by its lack of SLR versatility.
Do I have unlimited funds for gear? No, but I intend to buy the best I can and I am willing to postpone the purchase a bit to meet a quality standard.
Do I intend on becoming a working pro? By no means! In fact, even if I put up the cash for a higher end Nikon set-up, I don't really care if I ever sell a photo! It is not my goal. But, I do sell an article now and again and know quality photos can make a huge difference in getting an essay or story published, and it is nice to see photo and writing together! Further, I am nearing a transition point in my life... Sixteen months from now will mark 30 years working for USPS and I plan to be ready to retire to my passions of bowhunting, writing, photography, and any other activity I can think of that will keep me walking around "out there" appreciating and logging the complexities of the natural world. I want to be able to come up with top shelf quality photos because I like them, not necessarily to sell them.
Regarding the software questions: I have been resisting the complexities of Adobe, thinking I enjoy photos more than computer tinkering and was hoping Capture NX would fill the needs of basic tweak and working with RAW, but you guys are making me realize I will probably need to learn Adobe.
I am already guessing my Tiltall tripod will not be enough if I move to the bigger and better set-up. Yikes. More $$.
Additional insights welcome! Thanks again.