It seems to me it boils down to how much disposible income you have and how you want to spend it. I'm in the same boat as you in that I have a BL td longbow which I really like, but I just bought an A&H ACS. I'm not a great archer, but at this point I can't tell a big difference between the two for me at least as far as shooting goes. Both grips fit me fine with the BL seeming "bigger". A big difference is the bow weight, with the BL being heavier, the wood ACS feels real "light" to me, something else for you to consider. If you have the only ACS in OZ it probably
wouldn't be that hard to resell if it doesn't work out. Some people enjoy trying bows and then reselling them, while others stick with one, so it depends where you are in the spectrum, but you'll never know unless you try one out. I didn't starve for a month to get an ACS, but I did spend some extra money to get a used one, which I may or may not keep.
My 2 cents,