Well even though it's raining here now tomorrow it's going to be cool and dry with a perfect east/northeast wind. I've located a group of bucks feeding together, with the lead hoss a giant Illinois 8. No trees to climb and not enough time to feel confident brushing in my DB. It'll be OK, there's a grown up fence row I can hide in. I did this Saturday and it was coming together until a big coyote got between me and them...exit stage left for the 2 big boys leading the pack. Passed on a 6 pt and forky.
This is my last bowhunt of the year even though our season has another week. I have a bunny hunt with friends on the docket and a pheasant hunt planned so... 55# Bear Cheyenne, on the ground, last deer hunt of the year...won't sleep a wink tonight with thoughts of those 6 bucks dancing in my head. Send a prayer my way for the chance at one of them! Thanks.