all rigth Brian got some stuff to get off of my chest >you sir are eating my cheese cake
. Debbie was making some for me at the Sweat Hunt ,bet you got to hug her too
and got to shoot bunnies !!! life isn't fair ( sulking now) .
seriously your story made my morning also made me sad too .
my first taste of the south Texas scenery ,life style ,COOKING , and friendship came last year with my first trip to Curtis' land of opportunity for Texas Sweat II .
was going this year but started a new job and i was going to have to take a course and had to wait to when it started ,got it in time and got permission to go from UPS then went to get tickets and they were $1000 sorry to say just more than my budget would allow ( really concience , could have used plastic ) and had to call CK and say i couldn't get there .
guess i am one of the different ones i go to Texas to hunt bunnies , pigs and Javies is just gravy !!
is the black bush blooming , alergies killed me for a week or more after i got home !!
do have some good news . wrote the 4hr exam last night at 10 pm ,found the last two HS codes in last 3 min of exam .
got a call after 11 pm from instructors saying they would see me today , which meant i passed ,so now will have a job .
Brian you have a good one and get all the spines out ,will take a couple of weeks
--- all the best --- herb