Ladies (the girls) and gentlemen (the boys), and the rest of you guys too -
This reply is late because I spent the week after the Stomp out in western Kansas doing what approximates work.
What a wonderful time. Yes, we kicked up a couple of rabbits but the consensus was they needed to grow another year. I had a serious amount of fun even though BOB (yes, that Bob) gave me a real hard time for missing the bag during warm-ups. I always say my bow shoots better than I do.
Paul N, I will tromp through the weeds with you any time. That pop bottle was a wily one. Next time I'll bring more arrows. I'd hate for the ones I released to the wild to get lonely.
To the other bowyers in the group... thanks for not snickering at my latest creation. It is about to get a makeover. I learned so much just shooting the breeze with you guys.
Good folks (Especially the youngsters who were troopers), good times, and the food wasn't half bad.
It was well worth the trip. Keep me posted on any future activities.